Monday 1 August 2011

Bike hike

Well, the plan to get some exercise is going ok so far. The garden has been giving me plenty of excuse what with all the hedges and weeds to be sorted. Lopping down a few more boughs this weekend was less hardcore than the previous few weeks, but zapped me out even so.

The goats at Surrey Quays Farm are numerous and very friendly
Sunday was glorious, so after an hour or two knitting socks and tending to thirsty veg, I was pleased Mark says yes to a cycle ride. We headed towards the river using even more cycleways than I knew existed and made our way along the Thames towards Tower Bridge. A stop-off at the excellent Surrey Quays Farm for tea and communing with the animals kept us going.

Tonight, I was determined to keep up the good intentions despite aching from too much charging over cobblestones on my bike. Amazingly, i managed to put in my dues on both the crosstrainer and the bike. Not quite as satisfying as last week's unexpected burst of energy and loss of 5kg, but a good start.


  1. Fun day out Rosie. Really enjoyed the cup of tea and stroke the animal stop. That little fella enjoyed the tickles behind the ears technique that I've been practicing on Amber.

  2. Yes, we need to get the bikes out more often and get exploring. When time's my own, there will be no excuses!
