Thursday 14 July 2011

Go knit girl gets active

Knitting is great for relaxing, destressing and generally feeling creative, but it's a pretty static activity. You get to exercise your mind as you figure out how to fix those extra stitches you accidentally created and whether the pattern you're sort of following could work in an oh-so-subtly different way (alright, if you go freestyle).
But I can't help but notice that the summer months are wiling away and while my projects are progressing, my waistline is hardly something I'd be proud to show off in my summer wardrobe.

Like many people, I have a gym membership. I used to make pretty good use of it and, even though the one time a personal trainer told me cross-training for an hour wasn't as impressive an indicator of fitness as I thought, I ratcheted up the resistance dial and ploughed on harder than ever.
Latterly, though, the gym equipment and I have become strangers. My workout motivation ebbed away long ago and I'd far sooner be knitting, gardening or doing any number of other things.
Since the gym's no longer where it's at, it's time to act. I'll be waving goodbye to what has become little more than an excuse not to find another activity instead. Forking out £50 a month as displacement won't shift the extra inches I've acquired.
Instead, it's time for more walking, cycling and perhaps even running. Scary, but free and far more effective and accommodating to my lifestyle whims.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so I've reneged on the gym deal and started going again. Deciding it was make or break time ended up reminding me that I like going there after all
