Friday 27 January 2012

Confessions of an accidental hacker

There are days that go by that are rather an unproductive slog; then there are days when you manage to do something – or discover something largely by chance – that give you a sense of pride.

Yesterday was a bit of both. Network issues and too many little things getting in the way to allow me to see anything much through to its conclusion, left me frustrated by mid-afternoon. Then, around 4.30pm, I discovered a gaping hole in the security setup on my trusty Apple iPad. I was able to see almost all my name, address, bank and password prompt details.

On closer investigation, I was able to hack my way onto two other iPads using a bit of ingenuity and lock their owners out of their own devices.

If you’re an iPad or iPhone owner, you might want to read how easily it can be done – and how to prevent it:

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